But in China, all of the real estate in the legal sense is a long-term lease. 但在中国,所有的房地产在法律意义上是一种长期租赁。
The problem of domestic violence has drawn a lot of attention of our government and the scholars, but the importance of legal sense of anti-domestic violence has not been taken much concern. 家庭暴力问题已引起我国政府的重视及大量学者的关注,但是反家庭暴力的法制观念的重要性还没有得到人们足够的认识。
Conventionalities play a role of law in villagers'daily life though they are not laws in legal sense. 乡约在中国社会的秩序构造中发挥了重要的作用,是一项有特色的法律文化传统。
Remove Misunderstanding in the Teaching of Laws, Reinforce Legal Sense among Students; Misunderstanding and Its Correction of Legal Consciousness in Legal Education 走出法制教育的误区培养学生的法律意识法律教育中法律意识培养的误区与实现途径
County, marriages that are on the rocks are being kept together, as least in the legal sense, for two or three years after the couple files for divorce. 在新泽西州帕塞依克县,触礁的婚姻,至少就法律而言,在双方诉请离婚后两三年内仍然得以维系。
In a legal sense, Toshiba may not lose the case. 东芝不一定会输官司。
In a strict legal sense 法律上成立的人身攻击
While being considered a person from a legal sense, is the corporation a moral being, capable of accountability apart from the individuals comprising the entity? 虽然一个人正在考虑从法律意义上讲,是企业的道德存在,可问责的个人组成的实体外?
In the legal sense the intention to cause grievous bodily harm constitutes murder if the victim dies. 在法律意义上,如果受害人死亡,造成重伤的意图构成谋杀。
China legal sense has a predilection for public power and the relationship between public power and private power has the phenomenon of inversion, unreality, behaving at will. 中国的法治意识土壤中存在公权力偏好,在公权力和私权利关系上存在倒置、虚化和随意化现象。
He also still awed by the legal sense of life? 他还对法律对生命还有敬畏感吗?
A sound legal sense is closely related with the healthy development of the University students, as it governs their political viewpoint and their values concerning an ideal bildungsroman, social connection as well as love affair. 健全的法律意识与大学生的健康成长息息相关,它制约着大学生正确的政治观、成才观、社交观和爱情观。
I doubt if you have any legal sense. 我怀疑你是否有一点法律意识?
Due to the imperfection in mechanism of the education on legal sense of college students, it is difficult to achieve the goal of legal education in colleges and universities. 当前我国大学生法制观教育机制尚不健全,致使我们对大学生所进行的法制观教育难以达到其目标要求。
Evidence conserved by notarization having legal sense; 公证保全的证据对申请人具有法律意义;
Chinese contract law must correspond to the international society in order to realize the globalization of the transaction rules and the legal sense in the economic activities. 中国合同法在这个背景下必须完成与国际的接轨,才能更好地促进交易规则的全球化和经济社会法治观念的全球化。
This thesis illustrates the nature of auction from the legal sense, then analyses causes that justify the court as auction implementer and discusses issues on auction base price, venue and public announcement. 本文首先阐明了法院执行中拍卖的法律性质,进而分析了应由法院担任实施拍卖主体的理由,并对拍卖保留价、地点、公告的问题进行了论述。
According to the results, the author put forward the measures of strengthening students ′ legal education, improving students ′ legal consciousness and increasing their legal sense. 根据调查结果,对加强学生法制教育、提高学生法律意识、增强学生的法制观念提出建议和措施。
Judge will be affected inevitably by value and interest in the course of legal sense's bringing, legal finding and legal interpretation. 法感的产生、法的发现和法律解释都是由法官进行的,不免受到价值和利益等等因素的影响。
In the traditional China, the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system. 在中国古代,受儒家理思想和宗族制度的影响,法律意义上的权利和义务不是以个人而是以国家和社会为基本对象进行设计的。
The rights and duties in the legal sense are the specialty and specification of the ordinary rights and duties in the legal field. 法律意义上的权利和义务就是这种一般意义上的权利和义务在法律领域里的特殊化和具体化。
On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the new time from there aspects of economy, politics and culture, states the connation of legal sense education for undergraduate in the new time; 在经济、政治和文化等三个方面对新时期特征予以分析的基础上,阐述了新时期大学生法制观念教育的内涵;
The legal sense of adult is different among public and civil law. 成年有公法上的成年与民法上的成年之分,二者的法律意义不同。
In the legal sense, the definition of "laborers" concept can be a "laborers" status to provide legal standards for the identification, but also solve the labor dispute in the "laborers" is defined in the problem of marginalization. 而在法律意义上界定劳动者概念,可以为劳动者身份的认定提供法律标准,也可解决劳动争议中的劳动者界定边缘化问题。
The legal sense of privacy concepts generated in recent centuries. 法律意义上隐私权概念的产生是近代以来的事。
We usually understood right just in the legal sense, think that we have the right only in the law at all. 这与我们通常只是在法律意义上来理解权利,认为只有在法律上才有权利可言有关。
Firstly, this article fixes legal sense of private placement fund, and analyses its essential features. 本文首先对私募基金的法律意义和基本特征进行界定。
The value of the court verdict of Tang Dynasty is to training legal sense of judge. 唐判其存在的意义和价值则在于对制判者的法律感的训练。
Compared with environmental criminal law, Environmental Legal Interests, whose essence is an Environmental Legal Interests in an overall legal sense, and which contains both public and private interests, is an independent concept with particular connotation. 与环境刑法法益并不相同,环境法益是一个拥有特定内涵的独立概念,其本质是全法意义上的环境法益,是一种兼具公益和私益性质的社会法益。
On whether the property belongs to the legal sense, academics say, today. 关于其是否属于法律意义上的财产,学术界众说纷纭,莫衷一是。